- We met a MALAY AH PEK road bully around 10am. Driving his PROTON WIRA AEROBACK CHAMPAGNE COLOR, SAA 1427D together with his wife & his son.(For whoever is related to this man aaa...I seriously feel very sorry for you) Please refer to the picture how he pissed us off.

KNN CCB!!! WHo on earth DRIVES like that!!!! He is ASKING for trouble!
I quickly took out my camera and kept the video mode rolling. This stupid idiot approached the driver side telling us earlier on we had pissed him off, that is why he purposely did that to us. WAH!! Its like my business like that to piss you off. MCH!!!!! According to his nonsense reason is that we cut his lane. STUPID PHXXKER!! Is there a law the we can't cut lane aa?? EVERYONE CUTS LANE! As long as the coast is clear, we can manouver our car to any lanes we wish right?? ITS SO RIDICULOUS!!!TOTAL MADNESS!! I was super furious and mad I flashed the camera at his face. Immediately he showed his fist and wanna tumbuk my Baby. I BAWLED at the top of my lungs "OOOOOOOOOOOOOIIIIIIIIIIIIII, HOW DARE YOU!!"
He kept on repeating "DO YOU UNDESTAND?" for thousand of times. BLOODY MALAY OLD MAN! I was so angry I used my POWDERFUL ENGLISH and said " We have no intention at all, but you did it TWICE to us. DO YOU UNDERSTAND? WHOSE FAULT? SETTLE IN POLICE STATION NOW. I MEAN NOWWWW!"(it was not so short actually, but dunno why i can't remember) I think he doesn't speak English but only know the phrase "Do you undestand?" . When he heard me speaking my Australian Slang English, he dared not looked at me and dealt with my Baby. HE took out his hand and wanna reconcile by shaking hands. MY FOOT !@$#@!$ ! Its like slapping a person hard on the face and later shake hand to say sorry. CCB!!! Who are you to get mad, scold them, create trouble and SHAKE HAND? You Said I panas or not??? WHen he left, straight away we headed to the police station to lodge a report. I told the police that man had threaten us. Seriously don't mess with me. (Any lawyers here who can give me advice?)
You OLD MAN, you have NO RIGHT to get so mad bcoz we changed lanes. If you wanna cause accident and hold a funeral for your family GO AHEAD & RISK UR FAMILY'S LIFE FOR YOUR HEROIC STUNT AND VENGEFUL MINDSET! STAY AWAY FROM US OR PICK A BIGGER CAR LIKE A 10-ton TRUCK! bCOZ we will not grieve for you nor shed a single tear. One piece of an advice, GO AND QUICKLY JOIN SOME ANGER MANAGEMENT COUNSELLING NOW BEFORE YOU DIE OF HEART ATTACK OR STROKE DUE TO YOUR POOR ANGER MANAGEMENT SKILL. IDIOT! I can't believe there's such irrational person. ( I have never been that mad before. Sorry for all the vulgarity.)
2. Went back to work as usual. After 4pm, I went to the salon to wash my hair. Dunno whether I'm 'sui' or what, I was washed by this new shampoo girl bcoz the one who always washes my hair was busy with another customer. So bo bien lor. Her skills wasn't too bad, but when its time for blow-dry. Came another shampoo girl, lets call her Big Eyes, big mistake. I always like my hair blown curl, Big Eyes was so smart that she inverted all the curls. What a day! I need to get a senior and the Sifu to fix up all the curls. SIAO!! BLOW CURL took me ONE HOUR. Poor Big Eyes was heavily bombarded by the boss.
3. When it comes to dinner time, the restaurant that we wanted to eat was having a function hence we have to eat else where. ARGH!!! Was having gastric summore. So no choice but to eat at another restaurant in the city. When the food came, our favorite lamb ribs was over-grilled. How on earth can we eat charcoal-like lamb. So i told the waiter " I'm very disappointed with today's lamb. It is BLACK and DRY. How do you expect us to eat this carbonized lamb?" He quickly ran into the kitchen to inform them. As a result he gave us a 10% or 15% discount. Better than none right? So towards the end of the dinner, I had a really bad stomach ache and had to 'unload'. With a bad and discomfort tummy, I had occupied the cubicle for at least 10-20mins causing outrageous activity behind door. Those waiting for my cubicle was furious and mad. I heard them whining and cursing. But my ass is full of shit wor, what do u expect me to do? I feel so so sorry for those who hav waited for ages and the next unlucky one to enter the 'perfumed-scented' room. SIIGGHH~~ I'm such a pity being.
4. SO when I thought I was FINE and were ready to watch Die Hard 4, my stomach was giving me an excruciating pain again. With no choice, Baby said we better head home and asked our friends to go ahead without us. RM19 gone with the wind. DOUBLE SIGGHHH!!!!
I told Baby its not our day today its better to stay home. So when I thought I could blog the DAMN internet was DOWNNNNN!!!
At the end, I 'lao bao bao' (Moody and angry) and went to bed.
er.. speechless.
Sorry for all the vulgarity used. I'm a nice girl. Just can't control my anger here.
I think I better use Luk Yap-hakka(pamelo leaf) to bathe myself.
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