Lately I've been very cranky bcoz of PMS. I'll be very very moody if things do not go according to plan. Better not kacau me during this period, coz I'm very unfriendly.
Baby wanted to cheer me up, so he said something like this ...
"How many kids do you think we'll have?" (He knows I like this kinda topic)
"TWO LAR! You think so easy to give birth aaa!"
"TWO ONLY AAA???(Very disappointed but dare not to ask for more) Ok lor..we'll stick to "2" at the moment."
"DO you hav a name for them already?"
"WOOII !!! You eat full nothing to do is it? HOW DO I KNOW WOR? Cincai lar...Bubble and Bumble Bee."
He gave me those unbelievable look.
"I think I shud name our kids August and October."
"You chi seen lar...u think it will go according to plan aa!! What if they come out in March or September?"
"Just like my mom maa...She's Alxxe, and she named all her kids with "A", Anxxe, Anthony & Anxxxw. You're 'Oak Gai Ma', so we name our kids 'Oak-Gust' & 'Oak-tober' lor."
('Oak Gai Ma-Hakka, 'Oak'=Fierce , 'Kai Ma'=Hen, it literally means Fierce Chicken, its the same meaning with 母老虎-Mandarin and Lou Fu La-Cantonese) .

"HAHAHAHHAAA!! You wanna 'fight' is it?"
"My real intention is to make you happy."
You see, how can I survive PMS without him.
haha, r u a Hakka Mui ? i am pure pure Hakka cos both parents are Hakka but i can't speak, just understand! :) your baby is so cute la!! er... I'll suggest a nice name for my god son/daughter okie ? hahah
Yes yes...Pure hakka moi.Can speak and curse fluently summore. Hehehe..Majority of the ppl speaks Hakka in KK.
Of coz u can. You're most welcome. Better than Oak-Gust and Oak-tober. *Roll eyes*
Wah.. your baby very creative!
Not scared the ok-kaima scold him ah?
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