I don't like your girlfriend
No way! No Way!
I think you need a new one
Hey! Hey! You! You!
I could be your girlfriend
[Girl Friend, Avril Lavigne]
Even how crazy I am, no way I'm going to blurt a 'fashion' statement like Avril. Do you know what's the consequences of doing so? I might end up as pretty and cute as the China Panda. No Way!!! I'm gonna risk that.
Panda: What!@#!@ Look like me very 'toh sui' meh? Wanna fight is it?

My Baby does not own a Harley, I hardly put on thick eye liners, I do not fancy leather jacket because of Malaysia weather, nor do I wear fish net stockings, although I do wear Levi's jeans. By any means I do not think I fit into the Rocker subculture.
But my dear Min thinks that I 'rock' and awarded me with this.....

So from now onwards, I think I shud talk the talk and walk the walk. Just because I'm a ROCKIN' GIRL BLOGGER! Its a high time to buy meself a fish net stocking!! What say you!
Thanks for dropping by my blog, and hey, you are pretty!!!
BTW, I have a pair of fish net stockings. LOL! But I dumped away after one use as hubby said he cannot take it. Hahaha!
Thanks shopping mum! *paiseh* I'm ur silent reader.
Oh my! You must be very sexy in it. I think most guys cannot take it. It will only gives them fantasy. I think I shud get one b4 the big nite. So anyone wants to give it to me as wedding gift?
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