I brought Mummy II to Yoga trial lesson conducted by Y-Fitness Studio at Sabah Golf and Country Club 2pm today. First few rounds were horrible as I can hardly balance myself. Just a few stretches made my knees trembled like no tomorrow. BUT they have Good-Looking-Yoga-Instructor, HIS butt is a round as the moon, and that's worth the pain. You tell me, How can I concentrate or focus on my postures, when the instructor keep walking around with his tight pants. One second I drifted to 'fantasy land'. I guess bringing Mummy II along wasn't a bad idea at all, at least her presence made me well behaved. Baby!! You shud be thankful you are sebiji your mum.
After the lesson, we went to City Mall to get ourselves Yogur Berry. This yummilicious yogurt tasted so good that it brought us to cloud nine. Trust me! Its a must try dessert. Oh c'mon, how much harm can this yogurt do to you? Its just yogurt, less fat, less sugar and less calories. The best dessert ever! Don't believe me, taste it to believe it.
(Taken from Yogur Berry)

Yoga and Yogurt are the best combination ever. What a Yippee Yay! At least this combo can make me SLIMMER. But classes will only start around September! Sigh....shud hav asked for the Yoga Instructor's number to check out whether he offers one-on-one yoga lesson for this time being.
Darling~ Remember I did Bikram Yoga about 1.5 to 2 years ago? It's the best yoga I've ever done. I've never sweated so much in my life before and felt so good after the session. The room was heated to 40C and those postures, my gosh, nearly killed me when I went there the first time. My body was so toned after one month (I went there everyday, yes, EVERY FREAKIN DAY). Stomach as flat as washboard (and the chest too, ahaha). I haven't done it for so long and I stopped because it's too expensive~ But right now, I'm thinking of going back to Bikram Yoga again (I've been talking about this for months since I started working). Hopefully I can have a toned body by the time I get back to KK.
Good dear....next time when u come back. We'll do yoga together. I wanna be fit and healthy!!! Bikram yoga?? I will check it out later.
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