Pregnancy Week 27
Backache was really bad. I have to rest on my bed for most of the time. 2 days in the office had made my backache even worse. Hence, Anoti asked me to rest at home. I cant even put myself to sit in front of the computer for more than 30mins. Standing and sitting upright definitely put a lot of pressure to the lower backbone.
Dr Charlie, my chiropractor confirmed that I was suffering from pregnancy-related sciatica. Inflammation of the sciatic nerves have caused the muscle around my left buttock extremely stiff during the second visit. He massaged my back and my buttock just to ease the pain, putting on ice pack on the affected area definitely helps. The Dr suggested that I sleep on the opposite side of the pain and keep a pillow in between my legs. Its like magic, i tell u. Again, I can't say that I have fully recovered. To be honest, I've lost my momentum on walking. I feel that I no longer know how to walk. My 14 months nephew walks faster than I do. What a shame. But I'm sure I will get better before the 3rd trimester.
All these pain just fade off instantly when I visited Dr Lim on Friday. Its all worth it. Its such a joy to look at how active is our sunshine. I can 100% confirm that Sunshine is definitely an active baby. Sunshine was trying to kick off the scanner when Dr Lim was running the scanner over my belly. But then sunshine is a cooperative baby, he showed us his face while sucking his thumb. Dr Lim managed to capture sunshine's 3D pic. YAY!!! At 27 wks & 3 days, sunshine's weight is already 1.5kg, please pray for me I that I will not give birth to a 4kg baby. *sweats*
Anoti was so proud of his sunshine, bcoz the nite b4 the scan, Anoti was telling sunshine that he missed the last 3D scan and hope that sunshine will show himself to daddy tmr. And it happened! Arggh!! I just love my sunshine.
Will post more next week as I get better.
take care dear. I had the same problem like you during 1st pregnancy. was bedridden for 1 week :(
wow thanks for the info~ ... never hear of it before ~
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