Anyhow, I will show you the progress of my growing belly...
(27th May 09')
23rd Weeks
And MORE to come...
I guessed this is a really big transformation. I'm amazed that the belly can really expand to such an extend. And I can't imagine how will I look like on the last month of pregnancy.
To be honest, I wanted to have professional pregnancy shots taken. But I do not have the courage to take off my clothes in front of a stranger. Plus, with Anoti who is camera shy, I dun think he is willing to kiss my belly in front of a stranger. Jazz how I wish that you were here in KK. I'll definitely book you for my newborn pics.
u'll be surprise wat Anoti will do, hehe....
what a surprise?! you looks goOOD..! Trust me, i'm honest..not huge at all..=))
Wow, you look great! Eat more, rest more and sleep more to have a healthy baby...!Post more pictures of you pregnant, so that baby can read it when they grow up.
Chinnee: But Anoti doesnt like the idea of me getting naked in front of my camera man, even i told him i will cover my 'precious'.
Jy: Its too early to tell. This is the time when pregnant ladies can gain at least 10kg. So pray for me.
Yenny: thankew very much. I must admit that i'm a really bad mummy, i dun think i get a lot of rest. Will take ur advise by sleeping early from now on wards.
hey u look great!!and looks like a girl on the way?? Not big at all lah, if u see me when I was 9 months, u sure pengsan haha...
if u coming to KL for short holiday, you can book us for a quick shoot for pregnancy ;).
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