This was put up last week. I know it can be done in a much creative and better way. I highly recommend friends who are now expecting to set this wall up. Its fun to look at. Anoti was so surprised when he came back from work and saw all these.
He looked at it and said "Hi, sunshine!"
Not only do I get to see changes in me, I can also look at sunshine's.
As my belly is getting bigger, the backache is getting worse. What I fear most is the moment I get out of bed every morning. Those agonizing pain!
On Monday, I couldn't bear the pain anymore, my backache has radiated to the left side of my buttock. I walked like a camel which has swollen p*nis & b*lls. Excruciating pain gets intense whenever I move. I had no choice but to visit Mummy II's chiropractor.
Dear friends, I paid RM85 ringgit for 15 - 20 mins consultation & massage and make sure you all pay attention to this. If you think that swimming and yoga is best for backache, please do your research 1st. According to the Dr, I hav an hyperarched back due to the load in front of me. Yoga and swimming had made it worst bcoz I overarched my back. DAMN!!!!
I think I strained my back few months ago doing yoga bcoz of twisting. I twisted too much and overstreched my back. Keep this fundamental rule in mind, Always keep your spine straight and DO NOT ARCH YOUR BACK. Swimming wise, breast stroke/dog style/frog style/ cat style, make us arch more, bcoz we need to keep our heads up all the time. Hence, avoid all these styles and try backstroke instead.
I feel much better today but the pain still persist. The dr had taught me several methods to ease the pain and I hope I'll get better over the weekends. Pray for me.
whoa love that wall..nice!! backache is gonna be a long term thing, so take care and rest more. In my 1st pregnancy, i had sciatica and couldn't move for 1 week. since then, once a while i get these attacks too :(
Hi Marie, take goof care ya. Hope ur backache will recover soon. Do u sleep side way?
And avoid carrying heavy things. That will adds on the backache. I used to carry my eldest when I was pregnant with the 2nd child. After giving birth, now my backache will comes off and on. Very uncomfortable.
Thanks for the advices. Will take extra caution if my wife has backache.... Rest well! Anyway, my wedding videographer made this video for his baby. Maybe you can ask anthony to do one as welll... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMwg9c1dBT0&ref=mf :)
You're such a beautiful preggo :)
I totally believe in chiro and massage visits. I go monthly up until 30 weeks. Week 31-35 I go twice a week. At about 36 weeks onwards, I go weekly. Totally saved my back and it did make my delivery a lot smoother
Can't wait to meet your sunshine.
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