You can see it from his constipated-like-look. He started 'bribing' my sister 2 weeks b4 the wedding. Poor thing! His effort was down to the drain no matter what he was still being tortured on our wedding day.

And I must tell you that this bunch of ladies has no interest with the ang pow! All they want is to torture him. SO EVIL!!! *shakes head* Money is not EVERYTHING afterall.
And thank God its just a 15 mins event. Or else I'll be sweating inside the room, having silly thoughts that my husband-to-be is being carried away by the ambulance bcoz of those only-god-knows-food that my bunch of ladies provide. *phew*
that's not your bra right??? hhahahaha
Congratulation! You look absolutely tunning! Keep the post and pictures coming pls!!
Min, ironically that's my bra....i know its very small....
Cherry, okie dokie....will try my best to spare some time to do updates k...
small? u must be joking! wait till u see mine! hahahah
OMG...Ah Gu wore ur bra. I felt so funny. But, I'm sure that moment would be very fun. ^_^
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