Never did I ask myself, how compatible we are.....
Can sumone define compatible pls, we don't fart at the same time, how?
Never did I ask myself, can I love this man for the rest of my life....
Aiya, 'love' is just a word, I don't even know how long I'll live
Never did I ask myself, do we share the same interest....
I don't care, as long as he don't stop me from doing what I like
Never did I ask myself, do we share the same value of life....
Aren't sleep, eat, work, shit and *ahem* valueS of life, everyone does it right?
Never did I ask myself, will I find happiness....
Cheh! Happy maaa....can find elsewhere...why must it be his responsible
Never did I ask myself, is he the one for me....
Whether he's the one or not, i need someone to catch cockroach, to change the tires, to carry shopping bags, not easy to find these days
Never did I ask myself, what if I'm wrong....
How wrong wor? This is not an exam, I won't be graded maaa....
You see, I never seem to bother all these questions. Am I putting my future to RISK? *smacks head* Someone should inform me earlier.....Oh boy!! Don't start the grandmother story k....
Hmm...Are we meant for each other? It makes me ponder...
I think I need to find an answer to this.
So without thinking twice, I checked him out, search search search and found this.....

Oh yes! "Identical Moles" stamped by God when he made Anoti and I.
P/s: Lou Gung, DON'T RUN AWAY! I'm destined to spend all your earnings......*evil grins*