Blur and innocent.
Since my SIL gave birth to baby Noel, my life has changed tremendously. I'm madly in love with this lil' fella. I must see him everyday even how busy I am. Looking at his little fingers just give me peace of mind. Better than yoga I guess. So relaxing! How I wished that he is mine.
It also gives me joy when I visit all these mama blogs. I couldnt ask for more but to admire their efforts, undeniably that their love for their kids are the greatest love of all. Dinah with her 2 darlings, Alice with Darrius, Jazzmint with 2 Hon's, Agnes with her princesses, Chinnee with QQ & twins.
After seeing what my SIL gone thru, from pregnancy to giving birth, a mother's affection and love is the courage that enables normal people like us to do the impossible, I truly admire and respect all the mummies out there.
"Dear Lord, please protect all the mummies out there. Give them the strength to overcome all obstacles that may come between them. Make them strong. Comfort them when they need you the most. Give them the courage to face all uncertainties. And most importantly, make them happy. Amen."
I just don't understand why am I so emotional lately. Perhaps, blame it on my ticking biological clock. But I sincerely hope it won't tick past a meaningless milestone. *finger crossed*
hehe blame it on the hormones :P...wahh...maybe time to get 1 baby kekek...
thx for the wedding gown hunt guide...shall send the link to my kawan kawan that is getting hitched ;)
Haha.. I think hor, you must be 'ovulating' la, to feel all these.. :P
Marie, thank you so much. You would make a wonderful mother one day. At the moment, just relax and enjoy your freedom while you still can. Go travelling with your hubby to places you wish to go, perhaps making your baby in romantic places you wish to be in *wink*
Romance and youthfulness almost lost when kids arrive, so enjoy yourself to the fullest yeah!
Thanks Jasmine! Hormones? I hope this is not the naughty hormones that only gives u the 'drive' and not the 'EGG'.
ZMM: Ovulating? or PMS aaa?? Very emotional and cranky ler...
Chinnee: Eeeaak! Your last statement struck me on the head! Will absolutely enjoy myself before I turn into a big fat pumpkin.
Tick tok tick tok...Somebody is going to be a mom!!! I call it ...the maternal instinct!
Hahaha...dun envy. Ask Ah Gu to jia you and make a baby asap. We are awaiting for ur very good news here all the time. ^_^
I want my own baby, too! =(
At least you can... I can't. Boo hoo.
aiks... my comment dint get through...
was saying that don't get too stressed up about having a baby... let it be natural. since you are still young... will be very easy to get preggy...
Jia you!
then hurry get pregnant... bb sure look pretty like u
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