This lil' cupcake was sent away this morning. It was heart breaking to give her away.
SIGH! You see, my future FIL is a very neat and simple man. He only needs 2 pairs of shoes. His closet has only less than 15 shirts (buy him extra shirts, he will 'donate' it to his relatives). He is also someone who doesn't use a wallet, neither wear a belt nor watch. He will throw away things that he thinks is 'UNNECESSARY' eg. mummy's II hair products, mugs, living room decos, magazines & only-god-knows-item. When Mummy II lost her things, the accused will definitely be Daddy II. Hence, I dare not risk my rabbit's life since we'll be away for holiday this month. That is why Mummy II had arranged for a nice lady to take over this lil' bunny of mine. At least she will be in good hands.
In exchanged, your new owner gave us a bag of rambutans. I think u'll love her place as she has big orchard that you can hop around. Make sure to behave like a lady.
I'll miss you Onn Onn. Be Good k. Must share your food with your friends. And be nice to them. Sooner or later, u'll understand why we send you away. Love you lil' bunny. *sob*
Must be difficult to be seperated with such a beautiful creature....Onn Onn, u better be a good gal and listen to mummy ya :p
CN,yea...I tried to hold my tears when I handed her over to the lady. Nearly broke into tears.
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