Geez!!! Time flies. Exactly 3 months before the BIG DAY. September is not a productive month at all. Too many things had occured. My bunny died on the day I renew my passport. It was devastating. I cried like there's no tomorrow. My eyes were swollen like Ultraman that I can't even put on my contact lenses for 3 days.
Then Yoga classes started. Imagine how 'rajin' am I? Kiasu ppl like me went for classes almost EVERYDAY to get the most out of it. DROP DEAD TIRED! I dunno why am I torturing myself? For the fun of exercising? For the money I paid? For health wise? HECK! I DON'T KNOW! As silly as it sounds, I was sick due to extreme exhaustion. NOW! Go ahead and laugh ur lungs out! *roll eyes*.
We took a short break instead. We attended Frankie's Bday dinner @ Maxim and Donna's Wedding at Park City Hotel, Miri last weekend. BUT I wasn't fully recovered hence I was still SICK during the whole TRIP. DAMN! FLU, SORETHROAT, COUGHING and worst still HIGH FEVER embraced me when I set foot in Miri. I was bed ridden most of the time. What a trip!
As promised, here you go 4th Blissfully Yours.

To be continued....Showcasing my NEW toilet next....
aw..sorry to hear that! but anyways, get well and blog more!! i miss u too!!!
Min....i will blog more from now on wards. My life is scattered around lately.
Marie, you are so beautiful :)))
CN..That statement will make me kembang u know. Beautiful? I think my make up artist did an excellent job to turn an ugly ducking to a swan.
Oh... u started on the Y Fitness Yoga class? I ve joined Y Fitness but yet been there... hehe... how was it? U started from beginner?
hi, Steph here. Chin Nee recommended ur blog to me. U r a sweet & straightforward lady. Do keep us posting with ur pics ya.
hi, pretty lady, here is a gift for u....
Clare: Yes Yes, u shud take up classes. Its fun. I'm addicted to Yoga. Hope to see u there.
Stephanie: Thanks for dropping by. Yep, I will keep u guys posted all the time. Nice meeting u here.
Jacelyn:Will find time to do ur tag. Thanks dear.
Darling~ hope you'll feel better. Get well super duper soon.
Anyway, going to yoga classes everyday is not something unusual, i've been there and done that. And now I really really really need to go back to Bikram Yoga cos Ryota is complaining when I kept whinging my "tayar" is disgusting, hahaha...
Anyway, I know I might seem very thick face if I asked you this, am I still gonna be one of your bridesmaid? Cos I haven't heard anything from you regarding that, hehehe... It's ok if I couldn't be your bridesmaid *sniff* I understand if you asked your sis and cuz to be your bridesmaid.
Awww... so sad to hear of your bunny's fate...
Those photos are so gorgeous! Did they send some for contests???
Btw, don over worked yourself... you dont want to fall sick on your big day rite?
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