We celebrated Daddy's birthday at TATU Cafe, Shangri-la Tanjung Aru Resort.
Perfect ambiance for special occasions.
Good food and yummy desert, I must say they have the best buffet in town.
"Daddy, tell me how old are u?"
"You don't know meh? I'm 38 today!"
"Yea right! You can fool the whole world but you can't fool me bcoz you have less hair and you're gonna be a GRANDPA soon. SO DREAM ON YOUR 38 TONITE." *roll eyes*
Daddy was speechless. He took out mummy's mirror and looked at himself, "Mummy, do you think that I'm old?"
"Hiya....Just admit that your age is catching up and enjoy life."
"But I'm young at heart......."
Yes Daddy I know you're young at heart bcoz u love to cam whore. Oh boy! Can u imagine a 48 y.o. uncle cam whoring! Checked his phone out, you'll be amazed how many pictures he took himself.
He even went to the extend of taking his picture like this....
*cold sweat*
Anyway, I wanna give my big birthday boy a big big hug on his big day. I LOVE YOU BERRY BERRY MUCH DD. You are the most wonderful man on earth. You shud be proud I inherited most of your naughty genes. And here's a present for you......
Happy Birthday Daddy dearest.
your parents are sooooo young!
Hi Marie, this is such a nice place for family occasion. I love to go for buffet too, but now can't really eat much since I m aging :(
Hey, would like to pass this tag to you. http://www.demoments.net/blog/?p=1235/
Dinah, that's why I'm getting married at such a young age. My parents got married at the age of 21 and 22. I wanna be a hot mama next time. hehehe
CN, hiyo....u shud learn from my daddy. Young @ heart! He never admits that he is old. Ok dear, I'll get this done when I have the time.
Wah... your parents are so young!
Haha.. am sure you are going to be a hot mama.
Yes...your parents look so young. And, your dad is so damn cute...self-capture of himself. So nice!! My dad rarely like to take photo of himself.
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