Friday, October 26, 2007

Blissfully Yours #6 & #7

6th Blissfully Yours is one of Mummy's II favorite. She likes the hairstyle. I personally thinks that the head gear was a bit like astro. And my baby's shirt, oh boy, he looks like a clown. Overall, this series was beautiful.

7th Blissfully Yours, notice the gown? That's one of the reason I wanted this outfit. Go figure it out yourself. Its self explanatory.

P/s: The pictures turned out blurry and I hav no idea how to make it clear. Please bear with me k.


Blur Angel said...

haha clown !!so bad, call your hub a clown!! :) everything with miss Marie and her hub sure nice la!! Welcome back!! show me your dresses from GuangZhou la!! please...

Anonymous said...

The gown is so pretty! Looks like a goddess!! It fits your figure very well too.

Irene said...

Love it! Makes me wanna go and take wedding shots all over again.

Just gorgeous!