Anoti & I are proud parents of blessed Sunshine.

My name is Isaac Voo Y. H.
Born on the 7th Sept 2009 (Morning)
Birth weight : 3.30 kg
Body length : 51 cm
Head Circumference : 35.5cm
Gender: 100% a BOY
Born on the 7th Sept 2009 (Morning)
Birth weight : 3.30 kg
Body length : 51 cm
Head Circumference : 35.5cm
Gender: 100% a BOY
Mummy's Condition: Thanks everyone! Recovering from C-sect. Will get back into her feet once daddy let mummy uses his lappie.
wa.. he is just a cute little pie! I think he looks like ah gu! :P
WAH! Comel-nyeerrrr!!!
oh dear, he is REALLY a SUNSHINE!!
So coincidence. Sunshine's b'day is the same as my son and his initial Y.H is the same as my hubby. He is a HANDSOME baby boy!
congrats on the arrival of sunshine :). Look so yau yeng ;)
CUte~!!COngrats congrats~!!
Congrats to you both new proud parents...little Isaac is so more pictures of him and take good care of yourself!
Enjoy the confinement periods too!
congrats. You delivered earlier than me. I'm still waiting for the day to come.
so cute!!
*pinch pinch*
congrats marie!!
cant believe u r a mummy now...the marie i remember is still the marie in taylors...
congratulations and he is very cute :) little sunshine with his chicky look :)
Woo... i think he looks like your younger sister! Hahahaha... Congrats!!!
he is so cute and can see that he is 'kind' type of kid :)
Beautiful! He's gorgeous.
Well done, mommy! Rest well!
Congrats! He's so beautiful. Definitely a handsome prince.
He is such an adorable baby!
Have lots of rest! And enjoy your confinement!
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