Before I forget, Anoti and I attended antenatal class on the 29th Aug 2009 (Sat). I was surprised that the class was almost full house. I didnt know that parents take this baby matter seriously. Overall the class was informative, it would be even better if it is conducted in English.

Antenatal Class covered the following topics like Phases of Labor Pain, Delivery Methods, Alternatives on pain relief, Newborn Jaundice, Breastfeeding and Infant Care. After the Dr. explanation, I feel like taking up Epidural, but a lot of my family members and friends advised me not to do so. WHAT SHUD I DO? I'm in such a dilemma now.

As for me, I'm so clumsy, baby slipped from my hands, i changed baby's clothes without supporting the neck, i bumped baby's head to the edge of the basin, I was so rough at cleaning baby's umbilical cord that It was almost pulled out. Damn embarrassing you know. Those nurses and parents-to-be who were standing beside me must have thought that I'm a terrible mother. C'mon!!! I'm a new mommy-to-be, give me some credits k. (Sunshine, don't worry, daddy say he'll bathe u in our basin n place towels around the edge, so that
No matter what, I'm still very determined to breastfeed my baby. I know it maybe very demanding and tiring, all I need to do is to equip myself with knowledge, patience and determination. I just pray that I'll produce breastmilk after delivery. FYI, I just bought myself a Spectra 7 Breast Pump on Sunday, will be arriving this Friday.
You will master all skills automatically once the baby arrives. You will become a PRO then !
I will support you in breastfeeding!
Hi marie, epidural is great. Few of my frens had it and their delivery was smooth. Dont worry. It is very safe now.
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