Its undeniable that Taiwan is full of pretty ladies. Even highschool kids put on light make up. Hair curling tongs & hair straighteners are like toothbrush that you use daily. I'm impressed on how much time they spend on beautifying themselves. Hence, in Taipei you can easily find magazines on beauty products, make up products, slimming products or hair care products. Mind you they are not our Cleo, Her World, Seventeen, Marie Claire which have at least 40% of reading materials (tips, stories, gossips, horoscope, travel etc). Out of curiosity I bought this beauty magazine which can be found at every corner in Taipei.
Boy! I didnt know that beauty regime can get so so so sophisticated and complicated. *sweats* Who on earth pay attention to all these nitty gritty details. No wonder most of them hav pretty complexion. *tries to dig hole to hide my face*
So on Saturday morning when I looked into the mirror and realised that my so called 'forever 21' look is turning dull, I decided to change my skin care products. I guessed Anoti was in shocked when he heard that.

I think that my current old faithful beauty products have lost its power. So, I went shopping for skin care, hopping from counter to counter and finally came down to this...
Burned RM 316 for just these 2. Hmm...i wonder why is it so expensive a? I think they charged the towel and the paper bag too. By next Saturday, if my skin doesn't get any better I think I will give it to my mum. Tips I learned from the above magazine, If you don't see any improvement or positive results within a week, switch to another product. Very true is too short for you to linger around on any subject/object when things don't work out.
The ladies at the counter claimed that their Sekkisei Lotion is as good as SKII. Don't know how true is that... Any one of u using this?
I love weddings especially if its a close frens wedding. Yesterday we went to Anoti's fren wedding. Both of them were classmates of Anoti when they were Senior One (16 y.o.). Alfred and Alicia are pretty much like us, they have been going out for 10 years and decided to tie the knot yesterday. Thru out the relationship, both of them were separated for 5 yrs, Perth and Beijing. Phone calls and MSN kept them going strong, distance is no barrier between them. And seeing them walking down the aisle, it made us feels like we just got married yesterday. How sweet!
Notice the 2 red flowers on the bride's hair. I was told that its a Foo Chow tradition to clip it on when the couples pray to their ancestors and parents during the tea ceremony. How interesting! To Alfred and Alicia, wishing you two all the best. Last but not least, WELCOME TO THE MARRIAGE CLUB.
On another side note, frens used to think that Alfred and Anoti look alike. They have something in common which is weight issues. They were as skinny as a broomstick. But today my Anoti is stuffed with lotsa love that's why he's putting on weight! My biggest achievement so far. Alicia, I think you can do it too...JIA YOU!
There's this saying that goes, Don't wash dirty linen in public. But what if those dirty linens are clean brand new baby diapers, everyone in the neighborhood will start calling up wishing you "Congrats! Is there anything that I can help?" Its so nice of them.
Everyone in the house is preparing for the arrival of my sister-in-law's baby in April. I'm going to be Aunty Marie (Q-Niong - Hakka) really soon. Eventhough SIL is not living with us, Mummy II had already prepared a room for the baby. After the confinement month, Baby will be taken care by Mummy II when SIL goes to work. Oh! I just cant wait to get my 1st hands on experience with a REAL baby. So when my sunshine comes I'll be fully prepared giving him/her the very very best.
But whether there's a sunshine in me, both of us are still clueless bcoz my period is already 2 weeks late. Both of us decided not to get any HPT done keeping it full of suspense until the next period comes (if there's any). I told my mum that my thighs are getting bigger, she said its bcoz I ate too much. Perhaps I'm just over reacting. Only time will tell....
Chinnee, I just realised you are washing your baby diapers too....What a coincident! Anyway, I'm sure you're very excited to meet your twins.
Our video is finally out. We went to Studio Galaxy to collect our DVDs and paid up our remaining balance. Before we left, they showed us their latest products, a collection of photobooks. Both of us were busy flipping thru every single page of the photobook.....
"EH? This gown is very familiar, I hav that gown too........"
I quickly flipped back to check out the main cover, who on earth wore the same gown as mine and found this......
"Darling, its US!" (Its ME to be exact! MARIE! coz u cant see Anoti)
"Oh, I didn't realise its the 2 of you. Alfred (photographer) said that you are very photogenic hence he used ur pics for this sample." *beams from ear to ear* 
"Really?.....So do i get any comission from this? or any discounts for our Video?" ----> I MADE THIS UP!
No wonder, I hav friends who said they saw our wedding day pictures. And I thought they might see it on facebook. Little did I know that it was Alfred's lil' project. Good job Alfred!
How would you react? Are you willing to pay 4 that album? As for us, I prefer to make myself a photobook and add some personal touch on it.
Veneration of the Cross @ St. Simon, Likas (21/3/08)
All these years, I never understand nor did I ever pay attention to Holy Week. To me Good Friday is another public holiday(yes, Good Friday is a Public Holiday in Sabah) that I can wake up anytime in the day, hav light breakfast (no meat), go to church 2hrs before mass in order to get ourselves a place to sit, and spend the 2 hours kaypo-ing, dinner will be very simple with only veges and 'dou shi yu' (can food: black bean fish). Then comes Saturday where my parents will attend mass and I will give excuses just to stay home. Easter Sunday, a very much awaited day bcoz my family will usually throw a big feast. That's my interpretation of Holy week b4 getting married.
Holy Saturday- The Service of Light @ Mary Immaculate Church, Bukit Padang
But this year it was really different. Anoti and I went to church 2 hrs before mass, by then the church was already FULL. Anoti and I had no choice but to split in order to get a seat. I was lucky then, I found a seat which was near to the altar. Bcoz of my strategic location, I actually pay full attention through out the whole mass. It was that moment, I learned that Bali practices Silence Day - Nyepi which I think people like me should practice. Its a day where we shunned ourselves from the electronic world. 4 hours of pure silence. No handphone, no laptop, no TV, no radio, no air-cond, no fan and so on....4 hours of pure meditation and reflection. Can I survive the 4 hours (10am-2pm) of silence? It makes me wonder....but i will definitely give it a try next Good Friday.

Happy Easter Folks!
I was really surprised to see a lot of emails and comments while i'm gone away. And I'm truly truly sorry that I didnt reply ur comments and emails. After my last post, Hubby and I were super duper busy with work. There were datelines to meet, proposals to prepare, errands to run and too many occasions to celebrate and enjoy(CNY, Valentine's Day, Birthday, Baby Showers....). And with our honeymoon trip ahead of us, we just cant have enough time for ourselves and hence it has DIRECTLY affected my already exhausted 'coconut'.
And thank god everything pays off. Hubby and I are now enjoying every moment of our hunny-moo. After a week in Taipei, we are now in Hong Kong. Will definitely update my trip once I'm back on the 10th March bcoz i hav too many things to tell all of you. And please pray for me that it will be a "fruitful" hunnymoo....*clears throat*
With Lotsa Love from HK,
Mrs Anoti Voo
P/S: To all of you who wants to buy ur wedding gowns, Wedding Street in Guang Zhou is called Jiang Nan Da Dao 江南大道。I'm sure your taxi driver will get u there. *wink*