Dear Sunshine, the reason I started to get this blog alive again is bcoz of you. Especially you being the first baby that daddy and mummy is going to have. So many to tell but very lil' time to pen it on this faithful blog of mummy. Hence, mummy got myself this ....
Mummy's Little Black Book for personal message and also quick notes.
Week 30
"I can feel your head......your fingers......and your almighty legs."
Sunshine is in a vertex position now. Its no joke when I tell my family and friends that sunshine is 'DRILLING' with his head and poking/scratching my lower abdomen with his fingers. Its so so 'geli' and uncomfortable especially when I have a full bladder.
During that same week, I was sick. I started off with a sore throat and later flu. Anoti was really worried for sure. He was afraid I contracted Influenza A(H1N1) as I have frens who came back from Perth and Singapore that visited me. Hence, I was restricted to go out for 2 days. =(
Week 31
"....Indigestion and heartburn is taking its toll, Gaviscon is now my new friend."

23rd July 2009, Sunshine and I were awake until 4am in the morning. As I tried to throw myself into lala-land, sunshine wasn't really cooperative. Sunshine with his almighty kicks made me rolled from side to side like an obedient puppy that was commanded by his master. I guess Indigestion and heartburn had made a lot of 'noise' in the body, no wonder sunshine wasn't be able to sleep. And sunshine was trying to punish me for that.
In the wee hours like that, the only thing I could think of is Sunshine Full Moon's Dinner preparation that I have almost missed out. Theme, Color, Venue, Door Gifts, Cake, Guest List and also photo montage/video clips. And I dun think I can do it on my confinement month, hence its better to arrange it now before sunshine arrives in September. Any suggestions?
By the way, my belly was measured at 37.5 inch @ 30th and 31st Week, for those of you who emailed on my belly size.
I shud hav used a proper measuring tape, but then Anoti was too lazy to get it from my MIL's sewing machine downstairs. Hence, he took out his so called 'measuring tape'. I look like a piece of bulky furniture to him, huh? ~_~"I think I have outgrown IKEA's Measurement tape by now. *sweats*