Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Boy! oh Boy!

Despite the labor pain, the only thing I could remember about Isaac's birth was his 'Big Bird' and 'Easter Eggs'. Instead of showing me my bundle of joy and hearing, "Congratulations! You have a healthy baby."  Dr Lim flashed my baby's private part and said "I told you its a boy".

3 days before Isaac was born, I jokingly asked my doctor, "Are you sure its a boy? All my baby things are in BLUE, have you ever make any mistake?"  D A N G!!! U see I 'dai sei' or not, unintentionally challenged my doctor. Thank GOD he didnt 'slice' me into pieces in the operating theater.


Anyway, this is my 'little burito' right after birth.

Chuckled at 3 months

Each and everyday, he picked up a lot of new stunts skills, from his first chuckle, roll over, swim, eat, sit and play,babble and shouting, Anoti and I can't wait to witness every single milestone.

Close to eight months, Isaac is no longer an infant. He had turned into a cheeky boy, he is so active that I wish I WERE A MAN to keep up with him.

My toothless little man taken on 1/5/10.


Irene said...

Awww.. what a cutie. Love his gummy smile.

Marie said...

Irene: But he is still toothless :(

Julie said...

I'm falling in love with him. :)

Marie said...

Julie, i seriously dont know how to keep up with boys.

Michelle Hee said...

He is co sute!

mNhL said...

They grow up fast ya. Later, you will be chasing him around the house !