Tuesday, May 26, 2009

First Letter to Lil' Sunshine

Dear Lil' Sunshine,

Mummy knows that mummy have been putting a lot of pressure and stress onto you since Friday til Tuesday. Mummy attended UBS Accounting Training for 3 days, celebrated Daddy's Bday on Sun & Mon. Brought you to the park and walked for 30 mins for the past few days, and you must have been really tired.

Not only that, you might have over heard mummy's conversation with the accountants & auditors everyday, and you must have felt mummy's anger and frustration all the time. By showing discomfort and discontentment, you have been kicking really hard and punching mummy all the time. Sorry dear.

On the bright side, since month of May is accounting/auditing month and June is taxation month, you might develop interest to love numbers and will be really good with it, just like daddy. By the time you reach 1yo, you'll impress your friends by counting from 1,2,3,4...100. Make mummy proud dear. *smiles*

Mummy promise you that all of these will be over really soon, and you'll get back to your normal Mozart Antenatal Learning and story telling everyday. Love you dear.



Fujiwara Takumi said...

why so trouble to learn in this time and cant u find ppl like me give u a hand?

Fujiwara Takumi said...

Why border to learn as u will know learn what soever u can just take your sunshine have a good rest, let your friend like me to give u a hand lar.... from kai ming

Marie said...

Kai Ming, I come from non-commerce background, so have to learn. Since u offer, next time if i'm really into deep deep s**t, i will kacau u.

Chinneeq said...

nice, continue writing to baby so u can have a good collection for her later:)

Marie said...

Chinnee: Thanks, u gave me a very good idea. I can just print out all the letters that I wrote and put in in sunshine's scrapbook.

Fujiwara Takumi said...

no a problem, leave it to ah ku to deal with it lar, don't worry too much jus t think about your kid okay!